
Sunday, February 24, 2013

Reading/Work Details 2/18-24

Work on research paper:
2/18- reviewed comments on rough draft and added to those things: 1hr
2/19- continued using comments to revise draft: 45min
2/20- smoothed out  additions to paper and continued revising: 45min
2/21- edited- 45min
2/22- read through and made small adjustments where necessary: 15min.

Total: 3hrs 30min, completed paper.

Research Paper Reflection

           I feel that my final research paper turned out extremely well. It took effort and a concentrated focus on keeping by personal bias from bleeding through. Reading the finished product, I think I was successful.

          Most of the feedback I received, particularly early in the process, seemed to be negative. It was somewhat frustrating that, before I started the paper, I was up against the assumption that my report would be bias- a position paper rather than true research. However, this frustration led me to focus specifically on neutralizing my opinion, and i am proud of the success I feel there.

           The most difficult thing in this process was finding sources who were unbiased, credible, or finding an equally credible source whose bias was opposite and of equal strength as another. Once I had the information I needed, writing the paper wasn't a huge ordeal.

          If I had to redo this project, I would first keep my mouth shut about my personal passions for a subject, at least until I had produced an unbiased report. Other than that minor issue, I don't think i would do anything differently. I feel good about my work.

          I think the strongest elements of my paper are its sentence fluency, voice, and organization (particularly the integration of sources). I'm not sure what the weakest point is, as I made every effort to have it balanced in all areas.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Reading/Work Details: Mardi Gras Break

Prized by Caragh O'Brien- 2/9- 1hr 30min, 2/10- 30min. (50%-100%)
Promised by Caragh O'Brien- 2/11- 2hrs. 2/12- 2hrs 30min. 2/13- 1hr. (0%-100%)
Nervous Conditions- 2/14- 45min. 2/15- 30min. 2/16- 45min. (pgs 1-57)

Total: 9hrs. 30min. 150%?(on kindle), 57 pages

Monday, February 4, 2013

Work Details

1/28- made 6 notecards, started outline- 45min
1/29- completed outline- 1hr 15min
1/30- edited outline- 15min
2/3- edited thesis statement and began tentative drafting- 1hr

total: 6 notecards, outline, thesis statement, and beginnings of a draft: 3hrs 15min