
Sunday, January 20, 2013

Research Update

          So far, my research has gone pretty well. I don't think I have as many sources as some people do already, but several of the sources I've found are extremely promising. For those of you who don't know my topic, my slightly revised research question is "what were the original intentions of the second amendment, and have we gotten away from what the Framers envisioned for that right?"Primary sources such as The Federalist Papers and the Militia Act of 1792 have been the most helpful so far, clearly and blatantly stating the intentions of Framers such as John Jay, Alexander Hamilton, and James Madison. One issue I have run into is finding reliable secondary sources. Because my topic is one of such controversy (though from reading documents like The Federalist Papers it probably shouldn't even be in question), almost every secondary source is bias. People on this issue seem to be on one side or the other, with no in-between. To combat this issue, I am considering using sources that contradict my opinion to display how we as a nation have strayed from the path laid out for us, therefore answering the second half of my research question.

          One source I found is a list of quotes from people such as George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and James Madison. It has citations for most of the quotations, but lacks any specific credentials for itself. I was disappointed by this last fact, for the actual information on the site is valuable. I'm thinking the best way to use sources like this is to use them as leads. I went ahead and cited it in my bibliography, making note that it was not considered a reliable source, but I won't be citing it in my paper. I have run across several sites such as this, and while it is frustrating to not be able to directly use the information, they could turn out to be useful in the end. Surprisingly, the databases have not been particularly helpful, giving me only a few relevant documents that often are just repetitions of each other. So far, the internet has been more helpful, presenting me with leads and sources both. As a whole, my research on the second amendment and the rights it gives to the American people, who, as James Madison said, hold the advantage of being armed over the citizens of countries whose leadership does not entrust them with the means to defend themselves, is going well.


  1. Mary Beth, I continue to be concerned that this research topic is not a great choice for you because you already have an answer and don't have much intention of seriously entertaining other positions. It's not really research when you know exactly what you will find, and this is not a position paper, though clearly you could write a persuasive one on this topic. Continue to work towards a more neutral approach and toward a question you could actually answer through research.

    1. Dr. D, I understand your concern, but I assure you that, just because I have an opinion, does not mean I cannot separate it from my research and my answer. While my research may for the most part back up what I originally thought, I know that I have to avoid letting that influence my paper. I have a plan for the organization of my sources and the overall layout of my paper envisioned already, and designed particularly to help myself avoid this issue. Thank you for your concern.
