
Monday, December 10, 2012

Reading Focus Track Trough Ch.11

          Leadership has changed dramatically in the last 6 chapters. After chapter 5, Ralph still held authority, and Jack only challenged him indirectly. In chapter 6, we see that Ralph understands Jack's need to lead: "Ralph sighed, sensing the rising antagonism, understanding that this was how Jack felt as soon as he ceased to lead" (pg 118). From here on out, there will be nothing but harsh feelings between Jack and Ralph.
          The next major turning point comes when jack finally tries to tear way Rlaph's power: “‘Who thinks Ralph oughtn’t be chief?’
He looked expectantly at the boys ranged round, who had frozen. Under the palms there was deadly silence.
‘Hands up,’ said jack strongly, ‘whoever wants Ralph not to be chief?’
The silence continued" (127). Clearly Jack wants the leadership for himself.
          Finally there is a sign that Ralph is still holding on to his belief in his power: “‘Got to? Who says?’
Ralph’s temper blazed out.
‘I say! You voted me for chief’” (176). From this, I believe that Ralph will regain at a least some of his stripped authority.

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