
Sunday, April 7, 2013

Bless the Broken Road: Rascal Flatts


             One of the poetic devices used by the band, Rascal Flatts in their hit, Bless the Broken Road, is symbolism. For example, the "broken road" and its "sign(s)" are not literally just that. They stand as an extended metaphor for the speaker's journey through his life, to finally find the love that brings him "home". The diction also lends special emphasis to the symbolism, as this road is repeatedly described as "narrow" and "broken." These words form a stunning imagery of the speaker wandering and lost, searching for something, when he doesn't even seem to know exactly what that something is.

             Alliteration and consonance add to the songs balladic nature. The repeated "l"'s of "long lost,""led,""like," and "loving"are just one example. "Blessed," "broken," "broke," "brow," and "but" are another set. These two sound patterns in particular give the song a softer, rejoicing sound. You can hear the speakers gratefulness in the lyrics and the sounds themselves. Overall, "Bless the Broken Road" is an extremely powerful and effective poem and song.

1 comment:

  1. Marybeth, I never realized all the things this song had! These are really good observations.
