
Saturday, April 13, 2013

One Thing in the World

         Since I was 2. 2 years old. I have always wanted to be a veterinary surgeon. Everything I've ever done has been put myself in position to achieve this dream. Vet school. It's more selective than medical school. There are only about 25 in the country. But I believe that I have the drive. People are always asking me, "How are your grades so good? What's your secret? Do your parents put a lot of pressure on you?" Even: "Do you have to cheat?" In all honestly, that one stung. Who do you think I am? No. This is all me. I try: my grades are good. No, I don't have a secret- I study like any other person. Yes, my parents expect a lot, but I disappoint myself more quickly than I do them. And no. I absolutely do not cheat. My honor means too much to me. How dare you challenge that? And it all means so much to me- gets under my skin so deeply- because I have a dream that entails one of the most difficult roads of any profession. But that's okay. I don't care. It's mine to choose.

           With similar desperation, Tambu in Nervous Conditions wanted to be educated to lift her family out of poverty. Her situation was a bit more dire than mine- I could do something else if I had to. She didn't have any options. Just like Ralph from Lord of the Flies. Ralph had to get off the island, preferably with the majority of the group alive. One death? Eh. Sacrifices had to made. In theory, nothing should get as desperate for me as it was for these two characters. Work ethic, determination, and common sense should ease my road.


  1. Well, Mary Beth, I wish I had your determination. However, I'm more of a "live in the moment" type of person. My childhood - the time in which I am living now - means a lot to me. In fact, it's almost gone. I realize that I don't have all that much time left to have fun and be a kid. Now, I know what everyone's going to say: "You gotta grow up some time." That may be the case, but perhaps too much focus on school can be a bad thing. I'm not saying I have life all figured out, but as they say, you only live once.


  2. That's an exciting goal, Mary Beth. It is definitely a difficult road - I have a cousin who is a large animal vet, and it's tough in school and afterward. Think about looking for a college that has a vet school where you might be able to do undergraduate research. LSU vet school has offered some wonderful undergraduate research opportunities to the science students I've worked with, and might be willing to work with the ESTAAR program at EHS.
