
Saturday, August 18, 2012

Free Post 1

          Hey everybody! Welcome to my blog. I hope you all like polka-dots. I thought they were pretty cool. So if any of you don't really know me I guess I would describe myself as a tom-boy with a girly side. I wear makeup, paint my nails bright colors, and would rather put an old camouflage hat on than tie my hair up with a ribbon. If you think that's weird, well, your welcome to your opinion.
          I can't tell you what all my blogs are going to be about because I simply don't know. I can tell you, however, that I am looking forward to writing a lot and to reading Macbeth. A lot of our class doesn't like anything Shakespeare, but I happen to love it. It is so interesting to read how people thought, spoke, and sought entertainment way back when. I'm really looking forward to our English I class.

1 comment:

  1. I like your setup for your blog. It seems to fit your personality! It seems like you are a very smart person, and it seems as if you enjoy English and reading which is good.
