
Saturday, November 3, 2012

Free Post 3

          Louisiana State University and the University of Alabama. Two rivals forever pitted on the reign of dominance surrounding their prolonged war. As a Baton Rouge native and the daughter of two LSU graduates, my life has been deeply affected by the ups and downs of streaky 19 to 22 year old kids, untrustworthy coaches, and the emotional inhabitants of a college town. Perhaps my opinion is somewhat bias, but little love is given to my Tigers on a national scale, and the Tide does not deserve the praise lavished upon them readily.
          With all of this being said, I am still honestly not sure what to think of tonight's game. While I have a lot of passion for LSU football, I understand the importance of continuing the SEC dynasty with another BCS Champion. If LSU wins tonight, I'm not sure that will happen. The hate for LSU from the polls, where Notre Dame, Kansas State, and Oregon are dearly loved, may very well put a one-loss Tiger team out of the picture. Alabama too, though they tend to be the favored child of the Southeastern Conference, will have a hard time convincing people of their worth after a loss to the nation's red-headed stepchild.

          However, there are other factors that come into play here. If Pittsburg pulls an upset over Notre Dame today, the University of Southern California wins against Oregon when they meet, and Kansas State is tripped up by Oklahoma, any one loss SEC team, especially an SEC Champion, becomes an interesting component. Then, with no undefeated teams left standing, both LSU and Alabama have a strong case for the National Championship. Looking ahead now, there is a lot of hoping, guessing, and pondering "if... then..."s to do. Therefore, my confusion over the best possible outcome of tonight's contest between the Fighting Tigers and the Crimson Tide is not unjustified. Some might call me a "fair-weather fan," but my loyalties lie more with the SEC than with any particular team, and, in the interest of a dynasty, if Alabama suffers their first loss tonight, the road to the title will become just that much harder.

1 comment:

  1. This was the most interesting post iv'e read all year. As a typical boy i follow just about every sports from the rankings all the way down to the different drafts the various sports undergo. Lastly i loved reading the scenarios that needed to happen in order for LSU or Alabama to participate in the most convenient bowl, The National Championship, nice post!
