
Saturday, November 24, 2012

Semester Review

          Looking back over the semester in preparation for the exam is always a wake up call, but right now I feel pretty good about my English exam. The traits of writing and such have never given me any trouble, and they are definitely not a new subject. I do wonder how we will be tested on the literacy narrative ad literary analysis units. Will we need to write a short essay of one type, or will there be questions discussing the in and outs of each format? Lord of the Flies does not strike me as an issue, though I do hope that we will get the chance to discuss it in-depth before the exam.
          One thing I intend to spend some time reviewing is the literary elements. It is not that I don't know or don't remember them. I simply want to be sure I can distinguish and discuss each one fully, and they will be relatively easy to review. I also will review the summer reading discussions we had as a class. That seems like such a far-gone topic, one we handled so long ago, that I know a review is necessary. Other than those two subjects I feel entirely confident, though that is not to say I won't be studying other things.

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