
Sunday, September 2, 2012

Reading Response 3

          This week I A.) finished Rapture, and B.) read Angelfall by Susan Ee. Since I finished them both,  it is not necessary for me to say that I did a lot of reading. My log goes as such:

8/28- 4hrs 20min. 8/29- 3hrs 10min. 8/30- 4hrs 15min. 8/31- 3hrs 30min. Total: 15hrs 15min. Rapture- 26%-100%, Angelfall- 1%-100% (still on my kindle, no page numbers.)

          I've decided that I would do this blog on Angelfall, as not to bore you all with another entry on Rapture. Angels, Demons, and Mortals seem to have become a recurring theme in recently published Young Adult novels. I happen to enjoy such subjects because they lend themselves to dramatic and fast-paced stories, but I understand some people's dislike of the repetitive plots. Anyway, Angelfall is the story of a girl whose paralyzed sister is abducted by a fallen angel. Penryn, the main character, sets out with Raffe (Raphael), an archangel whose wings were hacked off by the same fallen angel. They travel north to San Francisco, in pursuit of Penryn's sister and an angelic doctor to repair Raffe's amputated appendages. The story progresses to a dramatic, if somewhat unsatisfactory (in my opinion), conclusion. Luckily for me, I just discovered that there is a series following this novel.
          I found as I was reading this book that I could not leave it for long. It was definitely a fast read, and an excellent way to pass the time during Hurricane Isaac. People almost always find themselves rooting for the hero or heroine's side to claim victory in the end, but as a reader, you do not always end up trying to climb out of the same holes of uncertainty. Which side is right? Where does my loyalty lie? How do I feel about my alliance with this character? It is only in becoming entirely absorbed in the story that we can feel the emotions of the characters so strongly. Ee does an excellent job of accomplishing this in Angelfall.


  1. Excellent posts, Mary Beth. You have a great sense of voice, like you are really speaking to readers. I like the questions you are asking towards the end of this one. I also really enjoyed your post about hurricane cooking as a unique part of life in Louisiana.

  2. I agree about the recurring theme of Angels, Demons, and mortals. But i think that this theme is too recurring. It is like a song that is played too much it gets boring.
