
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Reading Response 7

       This week I worked on my literacy narrative, read "To Build a Fire" by Jack London, and continued Revelation, by Katie Klein. My log goes as such:

Literacy Narrative: 9/24- 20min. 9/27- 20min.
"To Build a Fire": 9/26- 45min. 9/27- 30min.
Revelation: 9/26- 10min. 9/29- 20min. 9/30- 20min.
Total: 165min.- Literacy Narrative finished, "To Build a Fire" 17pgs., Revelation- 46%-66% (kindle...)

          To discuss the plot of Revelation, I must discuss the entire trilogy, The Guardians. In the first book, there was a bit of exposition, introducing you to main character Genesis Green's personality and story, but it was written in through a fairly intense scene. In my opinion, this is the best way for an author to tell a story, especially in a novel. That type of introduction gives you the information you need, but still hooks you quickly.
          As always, next came the rising action. While there have been many tense scenes so far, keeping the story interesting and attention-griping, I still feel as if the balloon has yet to pop. Each book has had its own climax, but the story still seems far from over. I'm fairly certain that, even though I am more than three quarters of the way through the trilogy, the characters are still working their way through to the final battle, the last clash of good and evil, and revelation of Genesis's importance and larger role. It's pretty intense.
          I can feel the climax coming soon, but there are so many subplots and side-sotries that I can't yet predict the outcome. Being a sucker for fairytale endings, I want Genesis to prevail in the end, but I can't be sure of that "happily ever after" this time.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't think that Mockingjay's climax would come either. But it did. I thought the balloon would pop and the climax would be epic, but it wasn't. It was more like a balloon that was about to pop but that just ended up deflating. Truly disappointing. Anyways, I think that Revelation sounds like it has a very intriguing plot. Perhaps I'll have to pick it up sometime.
